About Power Lease
One of the LeadingBike Provider Companies in UAE.is looking for an Experienced Bike Mechanic.
Job Description:
Mount,balance, change, or check condition or pressure of tires. Inspect vehicles todetermine overall condition.
Adjust vehiclecomponents according to specifications.
Listen to engines,examine vehicle frames, or confer with customers to determine the nature and the extent of malfunction or damage.
Observe equipmentin operation to detect potential problems.
Confer withcustomers or users to assess problems.
Replace defectiveparts, using hand tools, arbor presses, flexible power presses, or power tools.
Replace worn,damaged, or defective mechanical parts.
Repair non-engineautomotive or vehicle components.
According tospecifications, repair or adjust motorcycle subassemblies, such as forks,transmissions, brakes, or drive chains.
Adjust vehiclecomponents according to specifications.
Repair non-engineautomotive or vehicle components.
Repair or replaceother parts, such as headlights, horns, handlebar controls, gasoline or oiltanks, starters, or mufflers.
Replace worn,damaged, or defective mechanical parts.
Repair non-engineautomotive or vehicle components. Dismantle engines and repair or replacedefective parts, such as magnetos, carburetors, or generators.
Disassembleequipment for maintenance or repair.
Replace worn,damaged, or defective mechanical parts.
Repair defectiveengines or engine components.
Connect test panelsto engines and measure generator output, ignition timing, or other engineperformance indicators.
Measure equipmentoutputs.
Disassemblesubassembly units and examine the condition, movement, or alignment of parts,visually or using gauges.
Disassembleequipment to inspect for deficiencies.
Remove cylinderheads and grind valves to scrape off carbon and replace defective valves,pistons, cylinders, or rings, using hand and power tools.
Grind parts torequired dimensions.
Replace worn,damaged, or defective mechanical parts.
Reassemble framesand reinstall engines after repairs.
Reassembleequipment after repair.
Install vehicleparts or accessories.
Reassemble and testsubassembly units.
Test mechanicalequipment to ensure proper functioning.
Assemble mechanicalcomponents or machine parts.
Hammer out dentsand bends in frames and weld tears and breaks.
Remove dents fromequipment, materials, tools, or structures.
Operate weldingequipment.
Experience - 3 to 4(Relevant experience is required)
Salary Range -3000AED to 4000AED
Benefits - Visa,Medical Insurance, Annual Leave (30days paid) after completing 1 year ofservices and air ticket - once in 2 years. Interested Candidates, please shareyour CV to info@powerlease.biz or share your profile with me on LinkedIn